Bixie Love

As much as the collective would like to say it’s faux pas to have short hair at certain points in time, this couldn’t be further from the truth. Whether it’s the aesthetic you’re going for or not, short and chic is always in. So what’s in for short hair right now? The Bixie!

Yes you heard that right Bixie not pixie. The Bixie is a blend of a bob and pixie mixed. It’s soft and tousled but still has its length in the front.

What deciphers a Bixie from a pixie? Well a bob has thicker sides. Often in a Bixie the bulk that would be around your ears is removed leaving you with shorter sides underneath, and a longer layered top.

Is the Bixie for you? We recommend the Bixie for the ladies who love to accentuate their jawline. The effortless girlies who don’t have much time for their hair, but still want it to look styled. The ones who can put a little product in, blow-dry and go. Those are our Bixie ladies. Are you her?



Top Trends: #1 Choppy Layers

Whether it’s a blunt bob, or a long shaggy cut, one thing we keep hearing in requests is choppy layers!

Now, what does that mean for you? You may have had stylists in the past tell you depending on your texture, and style there’s no way you can get choppy layers without it looking like a weed whacker went to your hair.

While this can be true, there IS still hope for you. Depending on your texture your layers can be cut with a razor (responsibly), interior, or exterior with more of a shag layout. Your stylist here at Mahne Roots can give you the best option when choosing.

How do choppy layers benefit your hair? Well VOLUME of course, lots of movement and volume, who doesn’t love a little volume in their life.

Whether it’s to gain a more dimensional look to your hair, while keeping the color natural, or accentuating the newly added highlights, choppy layers CAN be for you.

How would we style this look? Rough dry using Mr. Smith primer with your hair upside down. Flip up and finish drying brushing everything back and away from the face. Pre hairspray the now dry hair with Davines Medium hold hairspray, curl hair with a 1.5” size barrel, curling every piece a different direction. Comb out curls with a wide tooth comb or fingers upside down. Finish with Davines oi oil!

We cannot wait to help you achieve your new choppy girl look. We hope to see you soon.



Fall Trends: Trend 2 Butterfly Bob

We have all heard of the Butterfly haircut a significant amount this year. Whether it’s watching Brad Mondo dissing the girls trying to do it at home, or you yourself have seen these flowy locks on Tik Tok we all have seen or wanted some version of this multilayered cut.

But have you seen the butterfly bob? Some new dynamics to the plain bob, or the far too layered bob. Comes, the butterfly bob. An intense curtain bang dropping into a strong structured one length bob. This cut has VERY soft and thin face framing to connect bangs to bob. Ultimately no layers on any other part of this cut but the front.

How would we style this? A soft flat wrap blowdryer using Davines Oi Oil to prep, and Mr. Smith Primer. We then would move into using a 1” curling iron to curl the bottoms under, then setting your bangs with the curling iron, using clips, or velcro rollers to hold in place while they cool. Finish with Davines Medium hold hairspray.

This new cut is surely to blend sexy with sophisticated. It’s a great way to acheive a chic look that will suit most face types. Are you ready for your next haircut adventure?



Human Kindness

Alright, let’s dive right in. I could start this blog post with pretty anecdotes about life so far in the salon. But I feel like this is a subject worth diving right into. What subject is that? Human Kindness.

I want you think back with me, visualize a time pre covid. Think about walking into a coffee shop, someone opens the door for you… What do you say? The cashier asks you how you are. What do you say? You pick up the items you ordered and are heading out the door. Do you say thank you?

Now think to these days, how often are we seeing what used to be normal common decency and manners? Rarely right? We are all so caught up on our cell phones. On roasting someone for something that we believe to be a wrong doing in that very second, but when we look back hours after the event, or seeing the post, did it really affect our day that much?

How many seconds does it take to say “Thank you”. How many seconds does it take to say “How are you?” How long does it take to hold the door for the person behind you?

I remember the pay it forward trend being HUGE in 2010-2019. Buying Starbucks for the person in line behind you. Spreading kindness. What happened?

Why am I bringing this up you ask? What does your neighborhood hairstylist really need to say about kindness. Why does she care?

Well we spend on average 1 hour to 6 hours with any given client. We have lots of conversations, and one trend right now, is the lack of human kindness going around. Not just in customer service based jobs, but in corporate work places, in interactions with friends and peers. The worst one, our kids. Our kids have learned that it is totally normal to treat any given person with the least amount of respect.

The words please, thank you, and may I, are all too lost in our culture. Now I’m not saying go around kissing everyone's butt. What I am saying is let’s go back to the Golden Rule in life. Treat others how you want to be treated.

You want someone to hold the door open for you, hold the door open for a stranger. You want to see more people smiling, smile at more people. You want your hair service to be warm, fuzzy, and full of conversation, offer the same to your stylist.

We are ALL just trying to do our best. We are ALL working hard at whatever occupation we have. We ALL deserve to be treated with human kindness.



The Communication Factor..

Hello Lovelies,

Ok let’s talk communication with your stylist inside, and outside of the salon. What do you think of when I mention this? Topics, of conversation? Appropriate times to chat? Let’s discuss all of the above.

Your relationship to your stylist is unique to you and the two of you. How your stylist is with you MAY NOT or MAY be how they are with other guests. But, one thing is for sure, our success is FULLY dependent on how honest you are with us about your hair.

What do I mean by that exactly? Well have you colored your hair ANY time in the last 10 years ( WE NEED TO KNOW). What do you use at home in terms of shampoo and conditioner? WE NEED TO KNOW. We are not here to pocket book shame you AT ALL. We are also not here to shame you on what you do use or have used on your hair in the past or present. But, we need to know these things as a way to better guide you In achieving your over all desired results. We also need to know this, so we can better understand your lifestyle and what would be suited for you and the time you are willing to put into your hair.

Now, let’s discuss topics of conversation. In the salon, at least in our environment we shy away from politics or religion. Why? Because not only do we like to not assume your view points, but we also don’t know the view points of the other guests in the space, and we do not like to assume everyone thinks the way we do. We are all awesome amazing people, and you come to the salon to relax.

Lastly, appropriate times to reach out to your stylist, What comes to mind? Unless it’s an emergency please do not contact us on a holiday, after working hours, or early in the morning. Although it’s hard to picture for some, we have whole lives outside of the salon. Yes we think of your hair often, but our off time is sacred to us, just as yours is to you.

I think overall a mutual respect and understanding is always needed between guest and stylist. You’re not texting your Doctor at 10p unless it’s an emergency right?

We value you. We LOVE having you in our chair. But sometimes, we just want to be home with our loved ones relaxing just like you.



Moving the Needle

It’s interesting our time with our clients. For 45 minutes to 4 hours, you are trusting us with your hair, your time, and most of all your personal details. In the past couple days, I have heard of marriage details, loss of friends, and divorce all in one week.

It is so impactful to know that we are trusted with so much. And to be able to share in your excitement and in your struggles is an honor even when we don’t show it. So how does that effect us as stylist?

I like to think it makes us better every day. I don’t know if you have noticed, but stylists have a tendency to be very empathic in a lot of ways. We absorb so many different energies from all of our guests, and each other, but we wouldn’t be here if we didn’t love it.

I was talking with a guest recently about how unfortunately the culture of saying whatever you want to say without consequences is more present than ever in our society before. Why is that? I am all about self empowerment, and making sure we are taking care of ourselves. But, why does it have to be at the expense of others?

In context as a stylist, I think a lot of people forget that we are people to. We are spending hours with you, listening to you about your hair and your woes in life. What people neglected to see is we have a life outside of the salon. We have families, friends, trial, tribulations and triumphs. We share those with some and not with others and thats ok.

What is the most important thing to remember is when we are doing your hair, we honestly and truly are putting a part of ourselves into that artistry. I don’t think I know many stylists that just slap something on a guest and tell them to go on their way. We are thinking critically through the whole process. “WILL THIS WORK?” “DID I FORMULATE RIGHT?” “WHAT IF THEIR COWLICK PUSHES THE HAIR A FUNKY WAY”

So, when you come to us with fixes we are more than happy to help you help us understand what you would desire overall with your hair. We genuinely want to be better and do better for you and ourselves, its our art on your head. So please remember to treat us as human beings not just someone you pay to do your hair. The same goes for us, and the same goes to any one working in a place where you receive something from that place. Remember their are people JUST LIKE YOU out there, and I hope it makes you pause to say thank you.

Thank you is sometimes all anyone needs to carry on, you might’ve just made their whole day. So thank you to all of our guests of our salon, we are thankful for you, and we cannot wait until you’re in our chair again.



The Tea with Me

Hi all Nikay Here,

I thought this blog could be a wonderful way to get to know your stylists better but also give you an inside scoop into the day in the life.

Today any normal Wednesday to many, who might call Wednesday Hump Day, isn’t quite the hump day you all are used to. The 9-5 Monday thru Friday crowd we know, and love to be service providers to live quite a different existence to us. We work Tuesday- Saturday (Sometimes Sunday) rather chaotically, with no “exact same formula” for the day.

We take clients anywhere from 9am to 8pm, and our brains are never turning off. Not only do we formulate your colors all day, or think about your precision haircut, we are also logging our brains with the small details of your lives. We make an effort to remember where you met your girlfriend/boyfriend. We log in how your parents or your children are doing. All while trying to achieve the best possible results for your look.

Do we regret it? Not one bit. We love what we do, and some of these posts will be little lessons we learn along the way of being Mahne Roots Collective. Buckle up! Let’s go for a ride!




It’s hard to describe a journey such as the one Miles and I (Nicole) encountered in 2013. We knew we wanted more for ourselves as hairstylists. Not that there was anything wrong with salon culture in the beginning of our careers, but it felt less flexible.

Being a hairstylist you naturally come about a way of art so to speak. This craft is a blend of an artistic eye, and technique. So I ask you, where do we sharpen our saws outside of the salon? Do we only take product based classes until the end of time? Or, do we rather push ourselves further, into the unknown, by producing beautiful works of art in the ways of editorial, education, and travel. We chose the latter. We chose to own a salon that catered to the hairstylist behind the chair but also the artist outside of the salon.

The Roots Salon & Hairstudio name originated with a friend of mine who said we should call the salon Roots, because we were building a salon from the “roots” of our family, and putting that toward the “roots” of your hair. At the time there was maybe one other Roots named salon in all of Colorado. We couldn’t believe it so there we were getting our logo designed and our website built. We were off to the races.

The name has made so much sense to us over the years, because it has embodied everything about us. We pour all of ourselves into our business, and the stylist that reside inside the walls within the Roots name. We have cherished the name for 10 years now, and will continue to cherish is for many years after. It holds a special place in our heart, in our family. Roots was the “roots” and establishment to our business and our careers.

Why the name change you ask… well there are now over ten different variations of Roots Salons in Colorado alone. Clients were beginning to get confused, and we were sometimes losing clients because they would show up at a different Roots thinking it was ours. We know these all businesses are probably dealing with the same. The breaking point came, and I took it upon myself to give Roots Salon & Hairstudio a facelift. Our new name, Mahne Roots Collective.

Where does Mahne Roots Collective come from? Well I (Nicole) recently started a haircare company with one product and one brush called Mahne Gang. I named it Mahne Gang because it was originally a leave in conditioner to support my horses mane growth when I noticed it falling out. That’s a story for another time but, a horses mane and a persons hair later on in life aren’t much different, and require similar nutrients, and moisture we just start to lack as years go on.

Anyway, Mahne Roots Collective, came from wanting to honor the Roots name, combining it with our new adventure into a small scale haircare, and ultimately coming from a collective of us. That is what we are at Roots we are not just a salon. We are not robots, and not one of us will give you the exact same experience as the other, and that’s what makes it beautiful. We are a collective of beautiful, talented, radiant souls willing, and waiting to share our art with you.

We are excited to keep going on this adventure with each and everyone of our family, friends, and guests, and we cannot wait to have you grow with us as the now Mahne Roots Collective.

Bisous The Mahne Roots Team x Nicole

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