The Communication Factor..

Hello Lovelies,

Ok let’s talk communication with your stylist inside, and outside of the salon. What do you think of when I mention this? Topics, of conversation? Appropriate times to chat? Let’s discuss all of the above.

Your relationship to your stylist is unique to you and the two of you. How your stylist is with you MAY NOT or MAY be how they are with other guests. But, one thing is for sure, our success is FULLY dependent on how honest you are with us about your hair.

What do I mean by that exactly? Well have you colored your hair ANY time in the last 10 years ( WE NEED TO KNOW). What do you use at home in terms of shampoo and conditioner? WE NEED TO KNOW. We are not here to pocket book shame you AT ALL. We are also not here to shame you on what you do use or have used on your hair in the past or present. But, we need to know these things as a way to better guide you In achieving your over all desired results. We also need to know this, so we can better understand your lifestyle and what would be suited for you and the time you are willing to put into your hair.

Now, let’s discuss topics of conversation. In the salon, at least in our environment we shy away from politics or religion. Why? Because not only do we like to not assume your view points, but we also don’t know the view points of the other guests in the space, and we do not like to assume everyone thinks the way we do. We are all awesome amazing people, and you come to the salon to relax.

Lastly, appropriate times to reach out to your stylist, What comes to mind? Unless it’s an emergency please do not contact us on a holiday, after working hours, or early in the morning. Although it’s hard to picture for some, we have whole lives outside of the salon. Yes we think of your hair often, but our off time is sacred to us, just as yours is to you.

I think overall a mutual respect and understanding is always needed between guest and stylist. You’re not texting your Doctor at 10p unless it’s an emergency right?

We value you. We LOVE having you in our chair. But sometimes, we just want to be home with our loved ones relaxing just like you.



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