Human Kindness

Alright, let’s dive right in. I could start this blog post with pretty anecdotes about life so far in the salon. But I feel like this is a subject worth diving right into. What subject is that? Human Kindness.

I want you think back with me, visualize a time pre covid. Think about walking into a coffee shop, someone opens the door for you… What do you say? The cashier asks you how you are. What do you say? You pick up the items you ordered and are heading out the door. Do you say thank you?

Now think to these days, how often are we seeing what used to be normal common decency and manners? Rarely right? We are all so caught up on our cell phones. On roasting someone for something that we believe to be a wrong doing in that very second, but when we look back hours after the event, or seeing the post, did it really affect our day that much?

How many seconds does it take to say “Thank you”. How many seconds does it take to say “How are you?” How long does it take to hold the door for the person behind you?

I remember the pay it forward trend being HUGE in 2010-2019. Buying Starbucks for the person in line behind you. Spreading kindness. What happened?

Why am I bringing this up you ask? What does your neighborhood hairstylist really need to say about kindness. Why does she care?

Well we spend on average 1 hour to 6 hours with any given client. We have lots of conversations, and one trend right now, is the lack of human kindness going around. Not just in customer service based jobs, but in corporate work places, in interactions with friends and peers. The worst one, our kids. Our kids have learned that it is totally normal to treat any given person with the least amount of respect.

The words please, thank you, and may I, are all too lost in our culture. Now I’m not saying go around kissing everyone's butt. What I am saying is let’s go back to the Golden Rule in life. Treat others how you want to be treated.

You want someone to hold the door open for you, hold the door open for a stranger. You want to see more people smiling, smile at more people. You want your hair service to be warm, fuzzy, and full of conversation, offer the same to your stylist.

We are ALL just trying to do our best. We are ALL working hard at whatever occupation we have. We ALL deserve to be treated with human kindness.



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